Next Event: TEDxYouth@ConejoUSD May 30, 2021 ONLINE from Thousand Oaks High School PAC

Hannah Mercer

Hannah Mercer


Thousand Oaks High School
Hannah has always loved words. In her free time, she enjoys flipping through the thesaurus and writing down random words that she finds underused and thought-provoking. Hannah loves watching TV with her sister because they over-analyze everything the characters say/do and scream mean things at the screen. She also religiously practices the art of crude, dry, somewhat controversial humor. At school, Hannah was an editor for her school newspaper, The Lancer, for two and a half years. She enjoyed writing for the opinion section because she loves having the ability to spread her views/ways of thinking to a large audience. Hannah would like to thank her mother for always encouraging her to make every day a great one, her siblings for showing her that it is possible to bounce back from adversity, her grandpa for teaching her to always speak up and ask questions, and her Bama for being her best friend.